Concentrating on Treatment and Diagnosis with Real-Time X-rays (DMX) of Craniocervical Instability, Spinal Instability, Neck Pains, Headaches, and Car Crash Injuries.
The Only DMX system in SW Washington and the Greater Portland Area
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One Town Center
16508 SE 24th St. Ste. 202
Vancouver, WA 98683
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and DMX
This DMX view is called the APOM (anterior-posterior-open-mouth). As the patient tilts the head side to side, you can see C1 sliding off of C2 (side red arrows), and the space (called the para-odontoid space) getting wider / narrower (middle red arrows) indicating damage to the alar and accessory ligaments.
This patient's diagnosis is cranio-cervical instability.
Patient's symptoms:
Constant headaches.
Neck pains with muscle stiffness.
Neck pains that increased with head movements.
The feeling that the head was too heavy and felt like it may "fall off".
Visual disturbances.
Pronounced fatigue.
Concentration difficulties. Being in a "fog".
Sensitivity to light and / or sound.
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) once was considered to be a relatively rare condition, but as scientific research and knowledge of EDS grows, many clinicians around the world are agreeing that EDS has been underdiagnosed.
An appropriate diagnosis of EDS is important for patients suffering from this condition to help them get the correct multidisciplinary management and treatments for better clinical outcomes.
Some commonly observed symptoms of Classical EDS are:
Over flexible joints (“double jointed”)
Loose joints that dislocate easily
Joint pain
Stretchy and fragile skin that bruises easily
Muscle pain and stiffness
Extreme tiredness / pronounced fatigue.
Classical EDS is a heritable disorder of the connective tissue, more specifically a genetic mutation in the biosynthesis of collagen.
Collagen is the main structural protein in the found in the body’s various connective tissues, it is the most abundant protein in the human body.
Collagen strong fibers work like glue to hold things together in your body: muscle, bones, tendons, skin, organs, and ligaments.
There are many types of collagens in the body. Ninety-ninety five percent of ligaments are comprised of type I collagen.
Ligaments are responsible for tightly binding two or more bones together to form a joint. When there is a mutation in the collagen, as in EDS, the ligaments are inherently defective, and the binding strength of the joint is weaker leading to joint hypermobility or instability.
For patients with cervical hypermobility or instability, the following symptoms along with the commonly observed EDS symptoms may be experienced:
Pains in the head.
Pains radiating down in the arms, back , or legs from neck.
Pains in the shoulder blades.
Dizziness with rotation.
A feeling that your head is too heavy.
Being in a "fog". Confusion.
Sensitivity to light / sound.
Visual disturbances.
Difficulty tracking visually texts or lines in a book.
Ringing in the ears.
Excessive sweating.
Balance problems / veering off.
If you’re in pain and wonder why your chiropractic adjustments won’t hold, or your massage for your achy muscles are temporary, and /or your physical therapy exercises help for a short period of time, you may have joint hypermobility / instability.
Our office utilizes the DMX scan to locate the hypermobile / unstable joints. Unlike a static diagnostic test such as a standard x-ray or MRI, a DMX can is a real time “live” diagnostic test that evaluates your joints stability through different arcs of movements.
A DMX scan can help target which joints are involved and where treatment should concentrate.
Our office works with many clinics both locally and nationwide to get you an effective treatment to restore proper joint biomechanics and lessen or resolve your hypermobility or instability.